
Nature research journals for 2018

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In January 2018 we launched three new community centric, societally relevent Nature research journals; Nature Catalysis, Nature Electronics and Nature Sustainability. 

Like all Nature journals, these new, online-only journals are characterized by a dedicated team of in-house professional editors, a fair and rigorous peer-review process, high standards of copy-editing and production, swift publication, and editorial independence.

Learn more about each of our journals and their relevance to your institution below, or contact us to discuss adding these important new resources to your collection.

2018 Nature Research journals flyer
(PDF, 773.08 KB)

Nature Catalysis

???????Nature Catalysis brings together researchers from across all chemistry and related fields. The journal has a particular interest in applied work that advances our knowledge and informs the development of sustainable industries and processes providing a unique journal for scientists, engineers and researchers in academia and industry.

Nature Electronics

Nature Electronics publishes both fundamental and applied research across all areas of electronics, from the study of novel phenomena and devices, to the design, construction and wider application of electronic circuits. It also covers commercial and industrial aspects of electronics research. At its core, the journal is concerned with the development of new technologies and understanding the impact of these developments on society.


Nature Sustainability

Nature Sustainability publishes significant original research from a broad range of natural, social and engineering fields about sustainability, its policy dimensions and possible solutions. 

Part of the journal's mission is to facilitate a cross-disciplinary dialogue around sustainability issues, and narrow the gap between research and policy making to ensure the real-world impact of research.  

