P站视频 has a simple registration and log in process, giving you access to your Snapp editorial dashboard, as well as other P站视频 services.
P站视频 has a simple registration and log in process, giving you access to your Snapp editorial dashboard, as well as other P站视频 services.
Once you are added to a journal on Snapp, we will send you an email guiding you through the log in process.
You'll first need to create a P站视频 account if you don't already have one.
We'll then send a confirmation email. Once you've clicked on the link to verify your email address, you'll be ready to access the Snapp editorial dashboard.
Once you're logged in, you'll see the Snapp editorial dashboard.
The editorial dashboard is split into three sections:
Depending on your role, you will either see everything that has been submitted to the journal, or only submissions assigned to you.
Submissions to collections will appear with a note of which collection they are associated with.